Monday, October 21, 2019

The Invisible Killer

Everything looks normal. They can't tell there's anything wrong. Things look perfectly harmless in their eyes. They think they are safe yet, the next thing you know they end up dead. Game over. Lights out. No second chance at all. Gone.

That happens all too often at our house. A birds sees the reflection of the nearby trees and mistakes them for REAL trees and BOOM! They either die on impact or are left staggering around on the ground; knocked silly by the hardness of the glass.

There was a recent case of nearly 400 birds flying into an office building in San Antonio. Wildlife experts said that the birds were most likely confused by there surrounding. Some rain, heavy winds, and the lights from the building all combined to create a deadly scenario - deceiving the birds and ultimately leading to their deaths.

Things can be much the same for us in this confusing world. We can get distracted and confused. We can even think we are on the right track when suddenly we are hit right between the eyes by something that knocks us for a loop.

Perhaps it's a death in the family, an illness or the breakup of a relationship. We become hit so hard that we don't know what to do anymore. We then try to gather our wits about us and pick up the broken pieces. What to do? What to do?

Have we considered Jesus? Have we turned to Him in our hour of need? Usually we try to do things on our own. Well, that's the first of our problems.

"There is a way that seems right to a man, But its end is the way of death." - Proverbs 14:12

Birds have no understanding about the dangers of flying into windows. They see trees, familiar things to them, and the try to fly through them. We are no different. We try to fly through life without God, never considering the consequences of doing so. That is, until it's too late.

The way that "seems right to a man" is this world we live in. Have fun, get ahead, look out for #1, just do it, everybody else is doing it so why not, if it feels good - do it. That's what the world tells us. If we follow that path we will run head long into an impenetrable barrier. Death.

Chose life! Chose Christ! Ask Jesus to show you the way you should go. He will!

"Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." - John 14:6

Did you get that? Jesus is the only "window" that leads to life. All others lead to death. Let that sink in, then close life. Please.

395 Birds Found Dead
Open Our Eyes - Maranatha Singers

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