Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Off The Grid

What would happen if the power grid went down where you live? What would you do? Will you survive after your phone dies? Or would you be at the mercy of our government or others for help?

I am having way too much fun living off the grid today. I'm trying to use as little electricity as possible. The television is off. The laptop I am typing on is on battery power. But my biggest challenge so far has been flushing the toilet. Lol!

Everytime the toilet flushes our water pressure goes down until the pressure switch in the basement activates our well pump. Our electric well pump. So, how am I flushing the toilet? I am hauling rain water that I have collected from my off-grid tiny house rain water collection system.

The system works great! I have 15 gallons stored up right now and it is currently raining. I am being a good steward of what God has provided. He brought the rain, I am collecting it and using it.

Are we good stewards of all that God gives us? Our resources? Our time? What things will we do today? Are they all for God's glory? What about work? Are we doing the best job that we can, as if we're working for The Lord?

Each day we face in this world we bring different challenges for us to face. Some will be difficult. Others will be easy. But each challenge should be met with the same effort and desire on our part to please God. To honor God.

My little rain experiment was fun but it was also a way to honor God by trying to get the best use out of what God has provided. God has provided each of us with a new day today. How shall we use it?

"Guard, through the Holy Spirit who dwells in us, the treasure which has been entrusted to you." - 2 Timothy 1:14

One Man's Alaska - Dick Proenneke

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