Saturday, October 12, 2019


I learned a potentially costly lesson on Wednesday. I was almost stranded with no way of getting home or into my house. I lost my set of keys . . . in a 26 acre park!

"They probably fell out of my pocket," I feared. "Out THERE . . . somewhere." Gulp.

I began wondering how I would get home if I couldn't find them. Who do I know in Point? Dakota? Todd? They were both working. This was not good. So I began walking backwards through the front nine of the disc golf course I was playing, stopping and looking at every place I had made a shot.

Then, as I approached the tee pad for Hole #5 I saw something shiny. My keys??? Yes!!!!

The first thing that occurred to me, other than the joy of being able to get back home, was what it will be like for "Christians" who miss the rapture. The first thing they will think is why wasn't I taken? Why didn't I get to go?

They will retrace their steps of faith. They will go back and question the teaching they received, they will wish they had listened to the warnings from their friends - the REAL Christians. And then they will come to the point where they realize that somewhere along the line they believed a lie rather than the truth of God's Word. And there is no way for them to get home. The key, the Gospel of Jesus Christ, was lost somewhere along the way.

I am grateful to be writing this story instead of sitting in a dark park tonight. My keys are on the counter, God's Holy Spirit is in my heart, and I am ready to go. Any time.

Many people will arrive at that moment when Jesus returns and they'll be looking for the key to their salvation. And then they'll watch Jesus rising up into the clouds - wishing they had kept better track of God's Word and His promises for those who truly love Him.

There is nothing more important than our salvation and the God who gifted it to us. It is the key to eternal life. That key is given to us by God through His Holy Spirit who dwells within us. It is through our faith in His Son who died on the cross for us that we will get to rise from the dead, just like Jesus did.

Once we have been given that amazing key we can never lose it. And that's a good thing. Especially for this old man who is forever misplacing things.

"We were therefore buried with him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life. 5For if we have been united with him in a death like his, we will certainly also be united with him in a resurrection like his." - Romans 6:4-5

The Lord Is My Salvation - The Gettys

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