Saturday, May 23, 2020

Define Essential

Defining what is "essential" these days is a hard thing to do. It really depends on one's point of view and individual situation. What are YOUR essentials?

Some essential things have to do with our physical condition. I have a friends with COPD. For him, an oxygen tank is essential. What about a taxi driver? One might think that a vehicle would be essential. It's not. He COULD just get a different job.

"Essential" is something we can't live without.

Politicians will tell you that they are essential. We'd better look up the definition of the word essential because I'm not so sure that politicians qualify.

Essential - "fundamentally important or necessary."

I rest my case.

I see people selling "essential oils" on the Internet. Are they really essential? No. So why do they call them essential?

Yesterday, President Trump said that places of worship are essential. I'm not so sure. I mean, I'm glad he said what he did and I am glad to be able to go to church tomorrow. But PLACES of worship are not essential. WORSHIP is what is essential for the believer, wherever it is. It is essential to our spiritual self and who we are.

What IS essential in YOUR life?

Here's MY list.
  1. God
One could easily ask, "Gee Bob, what about oxygen? Food? Shelter? Clothing? What would happen if you didn't have those? You'd die!"


People spend so much time focusing on what is essential in THIS life. What is essential for eternity? The list is a very short one indeed.

Here's an essential verse. It contains everything we need to know about life. ETERNAL life.

"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." - John 3:16

Now THAT is essential!

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