Saturday, May 16, 2020

The Parable of the Lost Disc

There comes a point, when we have lost something, that we either find it or give up looking. This is a story of the latter.

I have organized a disc golf league in our community. It's the perfect sport for this Covid-19 time we are living in. People are looking for something to do. It's outside, in small groups and people are rarely within six feet of each other.

Out local group has a Facebook page - WaupacaDiscGolf. Just a way to communicate with players and organize events. It also has a Lost and Found area where people can report discs they have found or lost.

This past Thursday I received a message. Someone had lost a disc on Hole #7. Hole #7 is a blind dog-leg to the left. You can't see where your disc lands after you throw it. That's not always a good thing. Such was the case of a young Waupaca man. He couldn't find his disc. He had given up.

However this young man did something after he had given up all hope. He contacted the Facebook page, hoping that someone else might find it. Because of this young man's seeking help, his disc was found. Why? Because others knew to look for it? Yes. But it was really because this young man asked for help.

How many of our friends or family members are lost - living their lives without seeking God's forgiveness for our sins? Without that repentance and forgiveness from God, we are all doomed to spend eternity in hell.

The brush pile the disc was lost in was scheduled to be burned. There is not much hope for a piece of plastic in a fiery inferno. The same goes for us. Unless we know Jesus.

I should tell you that I was the one who found this guy's disc. Before I began my search I prayed. Not that I would find the disc but, that is I did, it might lead to a conversation about Christ with its owner. I found the disc six feet from where I prayed.

Pray for future conversations about Jesus - with friends, family and people you don't even know. Jesus has commanded us to reach out to the lost. They are all around us in this world. We have to seek them out. God will provide the opportunities but we also must be prepared to deliver the words when the time comes. Are we ready?

"But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect," - 1 Peter 3:15

"Suppose one of you has a hundred sheep and loses one of them. Doesn't he leave the ninety-nine in the open country and go after the lost sheep until he finds it?" - Luke 15:4

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