Wednesday, May 20, 2020

The Choice

Everyone wants to love and to be loved. So why do we find it so hard to do? Why do so many feel unloved? The answer is simple. It's all about the choices we make.

Life is a series of choices. What shall we watch on television? What shall we have for dinner? What color paint shall we use? What outfit shall we wear today? What's for breakfast? SO many choices, so little time.

But when it comes to love there is really only one choice. And it has nothing to do with ourselves.

Our pastor had a really interesting sermon on Sunday. We are going through The Book of Genesis right now - the creation story. God created the Garden of Eden. Adam and Eve sinned by eating fruit from The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. That raises a few questions but the biggest question is this.

If God already knew we were going to sin, why did He plant the tree in the first place? I mean, if there was no choice to be made, we wouldn't have made it.

If you take a step back and look at things from a distance, Adam and Eve really did have a choice. It was between being obedient to God and satisfying their desire for the fruit. They chose the fruit. We chose OUR desires over our obedience to God's commands every day. Just like Adam and Eve.

Have you ever read this verse?

"If you love Me, you will keep My commandments." - John 14:15

Or this one:

Jesus replied, "Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching. My Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them." - John 14:23

During our pastor's sermon he offered this statement:

"True love always offers a choice."

Is that true? Are we ALWAYS given a choice? What is our choice if we really love someone?

What IS "true love?" What is God looking for from us?

Why do we go to church? Is it obedience to some Old Testament command? Is it out of obligation to a God who could kill us at any moment if He chose to? Or is it out of TRUE love? Do we worship because we love God?

When Jesus prayed shortly before His death, he prayed that God might "take this cup from me." But then Jesus amended His prayer saying, "Not mine, but Your will be done."

Jesus made a choice. Out of His love for God the Father, Jesus relinquished His personal desires for those of God. Jesus made a choice. He chose to be obedient. He chose obedience because of His love for The Father.

What choices will WE make today? Will we choose our desires over our spouses? Will we chose to obey God's commandments? Or will we choose our own selfish desires? The choice is ours. What will we choose?

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